Joy of Computing is here to remind you that computers can be both useful and fun.

The site currently features one new link every weekday. The posts are submitted by members of the Recurse Center community, and range from neat code snippets to computer-generated art, games, tools, crafts, libraries, and more. All work featured on the site is produced by Recursers.

You can read more in our blog post announcing the site.


Where's the signup form?

There isn't currently a signup form, since the site is meant to feature work created by Recursers, and accounts are only really useful for submitting links.

Who are "Recursers"?

Recursers are people who have attended the Recurse Center. RC is a self-directed, community-driven programming retreat (like a writing retreat, but for programming). The retreat is 100% free to attend, and provides living expense grants for women, trans people, and people from racial and ethnic groups traditionally underrepresented in programming. Learn more about RC.

I'm a Recurser. What types of things can I submit?

Open source, technical work by Recursers. You can find more guidelines on the submit page.

What happens after I submit something?

After you submit a post it will go into the review queue. Every post must be reviewed and approved by a member of the community who isn't the person who submitted it. Once a post is approved, it's added to the upcoming queue. One post from the upcoming queue is published every morning at 7am local time in New York.

Does this site have ads?

Not right now, but we plan to advertise events and other news from the Recurse Center in the future.