Magic wand learns spells through machine learning and an IMU

made and submitted by jennifer
Jennifer Wang built a Harry Potter magic wand that uses machine learning to detect gestures. The wand contains an inertial measurement unit (IMU) to sense position & orientation. You can watch her talk on the ML design process and find the code on GitHub.


made by scientiffic, submitted by alicia
This is such a useful and simple tool! Use Stencilfy to write text in any font you like, and turn it into a stencil you can cut out on a laser cutter. Read more about it here: 


made by erinkshaw , submitted by porterjamesj
Beautiful visualization of NYC subway activity over the course of a week.

war in pieces

made by fiono, submitted by porterjamesj
It explores an interesting way to consume media, and is a great example of what you can get done in a week in an environment like RC.

Interesting Numbers

made by its_computers, submitted by rachel
Have you wondered, "Hey, is the number 144 cool?" Wonder no more: this site will tell you every fun fact you ever wanted to know about a number and then some.

Prototype-based programming in Javascript

made by chun, submitted by strickinato
This is a step-by-step walkthrough of how prototypes work in javascript. It's structured to be both a great learning resource as well as a great reference. The examples are also fun they reveal the underlying structure behind some of javascript's most ludicrous wtf moments.

Matrix Digital Rain in p5.js

made by emilyxxie, submitted by porterjamesj
Emily's creative coding projects are cool enough, what's even cooler is the work she does to share her process and teach others! (like this video)

NYC parks name game

made by loganw, submitted by alicia
This game is very silly, and most of the NYC park names (real and fake) are totally unbelievable. So far my favorites are "Bar and Grill Park" and "Le Playground" - you'll have to play to find out if they're real or not!

New Yorken Poesry

made by coco, submitted by mouse
A poetry magazine by AI, for AI

Oil Dev Log #7: Hollowing Out the Python Interpreter

made by andychu, submitted by porterjamesj
Andy's dedication to his goals for Oil is impressive, and the experimental approach he's taking with it is really interesting.