Beat Bucket

made by joebeachjoebeach, submitted by porterjamesj
This browser-based synthesizer makes it easy to quickly create and experiment with its unique "bucket" interface for setting note duration.

Restoring RC's Color Classic

made by nicholasbs, davidbalbert, submitted by rachel
RC has a small collection of vintage computers. Occasionally folks restore them, and do fun stuff like this!


made by lauryndbrown, submitted by porterjamesj
It's easy to complain about how browsers are so complicated they're impossible to understand, it's much harder to roll up your sleeves and start making one.

Phonetron – designing and building a DIY cellphone

made by Kevin Lynagh, submitted by nicholasbs
Kevin designed and built his own high-end "dumbphone"


made by adambk, submitted by porterjamesj
A compiler from Scheme to Lua bytecode. I love seeing compilers with unexpected source language / output language pairs, and this is a great example!

Installing A/UX on the Quadra 610

made by sophaskins, submitted by nicholasbs
A detailed overview of installing A/UX, Apple's defunct Unix-based OS that could also run Mac apps, on a Quadra 610.

N-Body Simulations

made by adityavkk, submitted by vaibhavsagar
Performant n-body simulations with pretty diagrams!

Phil, a crossword maker

made by Raph, submitted by nicholasbs
My favorite thing about Phil is that incorporates both beautiful and novel ideas in its UI *and* its puzzle-solving engine.

Python 101

made and submitted by nmicht
This is a generation of slides to learn/study the basics of Python. NOTE: The content is in spanish! Made with <3 using reveal.js

FOIA The Dead

made by parker, submitted by rachel
When someone's obituary appears in the New York Times, FOIA The Dead sends automated requests to the FBI for their records on the recently departed, and publishes the results. So far it has almost 4,000 pages of (sometimes-mundane, sometimes-fascinating) records on 55 people which probably wouldn't have been released otherwise.