Bio: trans femme, rust contributor, pokemon fan, ghost on the internet [she/her]


made and submitted by QuietMisdreavus
A text editor color scheme randomizer. Choose some settings to pick things like contrast ratio, and click a button to get a whole new look. If you find one you like, you can even export a working Vim color scheme!

getting my computer to play the windows 95 startup sound

made by QuietMisdreavus, submitted by rachel
Victoria got nostalgic for the Windows '95 boot up sound, so she got her Linux machine to play it when it started up!

Migrating from Pathogen to native Vim packages

made by QuietMisdreavus, submitted by nicholasbs
A nice overview of Vim 8's native plugin support and how to migrate to it from Pathogen.


made by QuietMisdreavus, submitted by rachel
A "a quick-and-dirty server" to turn web articles to DOCX files and send them to the user's Kindle (with a great name!).