What I learned publishing an open source package

made by Joe Thomas, submitted by porterjamesj
Reflections on the experience of making and publishing an OCaml library for sending email (https://github.com/jsthomas/tidy_email)

Writing a Simple Browser Game in Elm

made by Joe Thomas, submitted by nicholasbs
Some thoughts on learning Elm to write a simple arcade game, along with the playable game and source.


made by Joe Thomas, submitted by porterjamesj
A web API for sensor reading data written in OCaml using the Dream framework.

How to send emails from Dream

made by Joe Thomas, submitted by rachel
Joe has been learning about web programming in OCaml during his RC batch. Here he illustrates how he set up email integration using the Dream web framework. Code here: https://github.com/jsthomas/dream-email-example

Writing a REST API with Dream

made by Joe Thomas, submitted by nicholasbs
A self-described "experience report" comparing what it's like to build a web API in OCaml and its libraries to building one in Python.

How I Contribute to Open Source Projects

made by Joe Thomas, submitted by nicholasbs
Joe shares his process for finding and evaluating open source projects (and issues within those projects) to contribute to.