made by mclare, submitted by Ryan Prior
Amid years of ongoing discussion about infrastructure spending, Maryanne Wachter published this accessible interactive analysis of public data that surfaces relevant local information about the bridges we rely upon. You can see the code here:

Tinky Care

made and submitted by mclare
Tinky Care is an eink dashboard for a Pimoroni Inky Impression that shows self care tweets and org-mode completed task counts for the past week. You can also set a pomodoro timer with a button push to stay on task and remember to take breaks!

Building a tiny Pomodoro timer!

made by mclare, submitted by rachel
Maryanne built a tiny Pomodoro timer with a Raspberry Pi Zero W, Pimoroni InkpHAT - 3 Color eInk Display, and a Pibow Zero W Case. Read her blog post about the process here:


made by mclare, submitted by porterjamesj
Open source structural engineering software for estimating the vibration frequency of concrete floors.