
made and submitted by wesleyac
deeplinks.js allows people to easily link directly to any text selection on your website! It's designed to be easy-to-use, robust, and unintrusive.

How to set up the APIC to get keyboard interrupts

made by wesleyac, submitted by davidbalbert
A blog post about how to correctly set up the interrupt controller on a modern x86 PC to get keyboard interrupts.

How traceroute works

made by wesleyac, submitted by nicholasbs
An explanation of how packets travel across the internet, with a tiny implementation of the traceroute network tool!

An online version of Hanabi

made by wesleyac, submitted by nicholasbs
An online version of Hanabi, the collaborative card game, built using Rust. You can play with your friends at

Plotty Bird: Flappy Bird for a 1980s pen plotter

made by wesleyac, submitted by nicholasbs
A version of Flappy Bird for the HP7440A, a pen plotter from the 1980s.

Recursive Filesystem Entries

made by wesleyac, submitted by davidbalbert
Wesley put a 4GB file in a 232KB file system by making some clever modifications to the FAT.

Ping at the speed of light

made by wesleyac, submitted by nicholasbs
How quickly do packets travel across the Internet?