Ben's effort to decode a JPEG for a project leads to a deep deep and exploration of why JPEG isn't just "one" format, hardware decoders, and even a patch to improve Go's image/jpeg library!
— nicholasbs
A tool for creating backups when you can’t use a point in time snapshot on the block level. Check out the code here:
— Mai
Filippo and Ben's new file encryption tool Age, which is meant to replace GPG for sending encrypted files, has reached 1.0! In addition to generating Age specific encryption keys, Age can also use SSH keys, so you can encrypt a file for anyone whose SSH public key you have handy.
— davidbalbert
What do you do after you buy three shopping bags worth of Fiber Channel cards on eBay? This is a delightful story of the rabbit hole Ben went down to make the cards useful, including writing a virtual device handler that treats the cards like SCIS scanners!
— nicholasbs