
made by amedee, submitted by porterjamesj
A Rust library implementing a "GADDAG", a data structure designed specifically for Scrabble AIs. It enables you to find all words that contain a substring, (for example, "PLAIN" -> "EXPLAINING")

Starting to Build a Scrabble Game in Rust

made by amedee, submitted by nicholasbs
Amédée started building a game of scrabble, and is writing about their thinking and decisions in the process. Followup post here: https://amedee.me/2020/11/04/fst-gaddag/

Paint By Numbers in Rust and WebAssembly

made by amedee, submitted by nicholasbs
An overview of how Amédée built their paint-by-numbers app using Rust and WebAssembly, with details about handling interop with JavaScript and performance improvements.


made by amedee, submitted by porterjamesj
A "paint by numbers" generator in the browser using Rust and WebAssembly. You can see the code here: https://gitlab.com/amedeedabo/paint-by-wasm