A web app for making message images in the style of the dialogue that appears in Castlevania 2. Check out the code here: https://github.com/jimkang/curse-notice.
— Mai
Jim is working on a vocoder at RC currently! You can read about it on his blog and check out the code here: https://github.com/jimkang/channel-vocoder.
— Mai
Jim decided to learn about modulation. To transmit speech without modulating it onto a carrier signal, you'd need a 3.75 km long antenna!
— davidbalbert
A computer generated album of music exploring events predicted to happen between now and 10^10^10^56 years in the future. It plays live in your browser.
Source: https://github.com/jimkang/soff/
Bandcamp: https://jimkang.bandcamp.com/album/the-sound-of-the-far-future
— davidbalbert