
made by lord, submitted by porterjamesj
A library for self-adjusting computations in Rust.

How to Recalculate a Spreadsheet

made by lord, submitted by nicholasbs
An in-depth review of the technical challenges of recalculating dependent values in a spreadsheet.


made by lord, submitted by Mai
A CRDT library in Rust for collaborative editing of JSON documents.

Text Editing Hates You Too

made by lord, submitted by davidbalbert
A detailed blog post on the ins, outs, and pitfalls of building a rich text editor.

Hatched Icosahedron

made by lord, submitted by porterjamesj
A d20, through a scanner darkly. You can see the code here:

A Plotter Quine

made by lord, submitted by rachel
An almost-proper-quine -- a program that prints its own source code -- in Rust, printed on one page by RC's HP7440A plotter. Check out the code here:

Building Streaming APIs in Rust

made by lord, submitted by nicholasbs
An overview of how to use Backtalk, a small Rust framework, to build streaming web APIs.