
The Browser as a Modular, Networked Video Synthesizer

made by ojack, submitted by davidbalbert
Olivia gave a talk at JSConf Hawaii about Hydra, her live programming environment.

Creative Coding: DIY Webcam Filters

made by ojack, submitted by davidbalbert
Olivia made a set of video tutorials to teach you how to write video filters using the Hydra video synthesizer, a programming environment she created.

Live Lab

made by ojack, submitted by davidbalbert
A browser-based toolkit for networked art performance.


made by ojack, submitted by davidbalbert
A synthesizer that turns images into music!


made by ojack, submitted by porterjamesj
Hydra is a programming environment for livecoding visuals using JavaScript. You can see the source code here here:

Ghost map

made by ojack, submitted by davidbalbert
Beautiful, ethereal street maps made out of light. Source: