Implementing the Koch Snowflake Tessellation

made by piratefsh, submitted by Mai
A blog post about implementing the Koch snowflake tessellation. The code is linked!

Recreating forgotten programming languages, for art!

made by piratefsh, submitted by porterjamesj
Sher Minn built an interpreter for the long-defuct "ART 1" programming language from the 1960s, and used it to recreate some of the earliest pieces of computer art. You can see the code here:

Browser-based motion detection

made by piratefsh, submitted by nicholasbs
A small JavaScript library for using your browser and web cam for motion detection.

Image Processing 101

made by piratefsh, submitted by nicholasbs
A gentle introduction to the world of image processing, accessible to anyone who's familiar with Python.

Recreating Retro Plotter Art

made by piratefsh, submitted by rachel
In this talk at Plotter People, Sher Minn explores computer history, the first plotters and the graphics folks make with them, and some neat examples of fractals and emergent patterns.

Set card game solver using computer vision

made by jtgonz, meereeum, piratefsh, submitted by nicholasbs
This code can take a photo of Set cards and tell you all the valid sets among them.

Flashback to the RC pop up in Berlin

made by piratefsh, submitted by c11z
Coming up on the one year anniversary of the Berlin Pop Up experiment.