IPA (phonetic) wordle solver

made and submitted by rfong
find words that fit phonetic criteria! a total cesspool of regex. don't actually use it to cheat at phonetic wordle though, it's better for your linguistics brain to solve puzzles yourself.

multi language scrabble scorer

made and submitted by rfong
Originally scripted to help me solve an MIT Mystery Hunt 2024 puzzle, ported it to web just now so others can enjoy. Pchnąć w tę łódź jeża lub ośm skrzyń fig.

multi-char tokenizer for puzzlehunts

made and submitted by rfong
another tiny tool written for the unhinged puzzlehunts I love so. fast to rewrite but I need a multi-char tokenizer with substitution SO OFTEN that I finally just made a web interface for it


made and submitted by rfong
ghostly motion line trace filter for your webcam. simple, performant mass-based motion detection


made and submitted by rfong
body horror kaleidoscope webcam

explorable Bezier curves

made and submitted by rfong
An interactive web page to give you spatial intuition for cubic Bezier curves. (They're everywhere!) Touches a bit on UX considerations for a vector editor.

Why Kademlia uses XOR as a distance metric

made by rfong, submitted by Mai
This blog post is a cool explainer of one approach to distributed hash tables.

Low-res webcam processing experiments

made by rfong, submitted by nicholasbs
A collection of experiments with processing webcam video, including ASCII rendering, dithering, and an incredibly cool filter that makes you look like a slinky.


made and submitted by rfong
Geolocate dialects' phonemes on a GLSL-shader ASCII mashup world map!


made by rfong, submitted by porterjamesj
A Chrome extension for doing generic string replacements on webpages, like that "Millennials to Snake People" extension that was popular a while back.