
made by andrewchien, submitted by porterjamesj
Andrew built a tree search-based chess engine using Rust. It plays well enough to beat human players!


made by jtanadi, submitted by rachel
Doodler is a simple multi-window drawing app that gives me sweet, sweet Microsoft Paint nostalgia. It's built with React, TypeScript, and the Gambar library, which Jesen also built! You can use it here:

Your First THINK C Program

made by John Earnest, submitted by davidbalbert
A guide to getting started programming a Macintosh running System 7.

Arduino Door Remote

made by talyian, submitted by porterjamesj
An Arduino-powered remote door opener for your New York apartment!

Notes: Understanding Real-World Concurrency Bugs in Go

made by squidarth, submitted by nicholasbs
An overview of a paper where the authors reviewed real-world bugs in open source software to evaluate whether or not Go makes concurrency bugs less likely.

`zig cc`: a Powerful Drop-In Replacement for GCC/Clang

made by andrewrk, submitted by davidbalbert
As part of writing Zig, a new programming language to replace C, Andrew has also written a C compiler frontend with all sorts of tricks including seamless cross-compilation.


made by jessechen, submitted by porterjamesj
"Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae." Jesse made a Chrome extension to test this theory by jumbling the letters of words in your browser while leaving the first and last letter intact. Turns out it's not as true as you might have thought! You can install the extension here:

Fractals rendered with raymarching

made by Sol Sarratea, submitted by porterjamesj
Sol implemented a raymarching rendering algorithm to draw fractals; they're beautiful! You can see the code on GitHub and more image examples here:


made by raymxnde, submitted by porterjamesj
A better/faster search interface for the Messages app on macOS.

Compiling and Interpreting the Lambda Calculus in Haskell

made by tyehle, submitted by porterjamesj
An extensive, clear explanation of how to write a lambda calculus interpreter in Haskell.