
made by rfong, submitted by porterjamesj
A Chrome extension for doing generic string replacements on webpages, like that "Millennials to Snake People" extension that was popular a while back.

Mary livecodes a drum machine

made by maryrosecook, submitted by davidbalbert
A video of Mary livecoding a drum machine. You can also run the code live, and read the annotated source.

Scotty, a WebSocket-enabled PDF viewer

made by jtanadi, submitted by rachel
Scotty is a PDF viewer that allows multiple clients to look at and browse through a document together in real time. Check out the app here:

Make Your Own Period Tracker

made by alizauf, submitted by nicholasbs
Aliza wanted to own her own data, so she built her own period tracker using a spreadsheet. This post walks you through how you can do this, too.

made by Brian Abelson, submitted by dylnuge is an art project featuring a live feed of the JMZ train in New York City at a busy intersection. In the words of the creator, it "provides ongoing, anonymized documentation of the pandemic as manifested through the quieting city."


made by rowan, submitted by porterjamesj
A template for making your own maps for the board game Ticket to Ride!


made by milesmcc, submitted by porterjamesj
An atomic web design toolkit, intended to be less one-size-fits all than things like Bootstrap.

Slice of Py: a 3D object slicer

made by ttumiel, submitted by Mai
Slice of Py is a command line 3D object slicer that takes a 3D model and translates it into a set of layers for a 3D printer to print. Each layer is composed of a route for the nozzle to traverse in order to make up the slice.


made by justinjaffray, submitted by porterjamesj
A minimal abstract lens library for JavaScript.


made by anthonyabeo, submitted by porterjamesj
An emulator for the Intel 8080 architecture written in Rust. Can run ROMs for classic games like Space Invaders!