
made by happyspork, submitted by porterjamesj
The source code for an 8-bit computer made out of custom PCBs.


made by lord, submitted by porterjamesj
A library for self-adjusting computations in Rust.


made by GAM, submitted by porterjamesj
A naive integer compressor written in Rust and used as part of this galaxy visualization: https://shreet.surge.sh/


made by theSquashSH, submitted by porterjamesj
Efficiently store very large integers in Python with this library.


made by joshuacortez, submitted by porterjamesj
A word game for your terminal about trying *not* to make words.


made by eaon, submitted by porterjamesj
A Rust parser for lists of email addresses as typically formatted in the "To:", "bcc:", etc. fields of emails.


made by Margo, submitted by porterjamesj
Procedural art based on a doodle. See it run here: http://hackers.cool/~margo/squares.html


made by Chris Geekie, submitted by porterjamesj
A CHIP-8 emulator written in Rust.

Learning Loops

made by ivan, submitted by porterjamesj
Reflections on how to get into productive "learning loops" when self-teaching programming (or anything really!)

Thredup Scraper API

made by TaniyaS, submitted by porterjamesj
A Python library for scraping used clothes from Thredup, the online thrift store.