
made by toddwords, submitted by porterjamesj
A browser extension for doing live performances in the audiences' browsers!

Raise your hand on Daily.co video calls

made by AMozeak, submitted by rachel
A UI for Daily.co video chats that displays the participants on a call and allows them to raise/lower their hands. There's a detailed walkthrough of how to implement it here: https://github.com/A-Mozeak/daily-raise

Street view of New York in the 80s

made by bdon, submitted by nicholasbs
Browse images on a map of New York's streets in the 1980s! Source: https://github.com/bdon/80s.nyc

Chano Memes

made by jeancochrane, submitted by Mai
A Twitter propaganda bot that reads @mentions and automatically generates memes about Chance the Rapper running for mayor of Chicago.


made by Kalli, submitted by porterjamesj
A browser extension that turns a website into an "attention map" by highlighting attention-hungry elements like buttons and forms.

Skynet Simulator

made by edisgreat, submitted by nicholasbs
Seems harmless... (Source here if you want to confirm for yourself: https://github.com/edisgreat/skynet-simulator)


made by Toma Morris, submitted by porterjamesj
A distributed key-value store using Raft for consistency.

Rusty Goban

made by dylanjw, cthulahoops, submitted by rachel
Play Go online with friends with this Rust-powered goban. Check out the code here: https://github.com/cthulahoops/rusty-goban


made by mouse, submitted by Mai
A script that causes text to decay by converting a text file to an image, then OCRing the image back to a text file. Doesn't only work on Ozymandias, but does work on Ozymandias... on multiple levels.

xi-editor retrospective

made by Raph, submitted by davidbalbert
A look back at Raph's experiences building Xi, a novel text editor written in Rust.