Open multiple dispatch in Zig

made by jamii, submitted by davidbalbert
A technique for implementing functions in Zig that can be overloaded based on the types of all of their arguments.

Multi: creating lightweight desktop apps for macOS

made by hkgumbs, submitted by Mai
A tool that lets you create a custom, lightweight macOS app from a group of websites. Further reading on Kofi's blog:


made by Vijith Assar, submitted by porterjamesj
A browser extension that prevents websites from tracking you using the HTML `ping` attribute, which is difficult to prevent with standard techniques like disabling JavaScript execution.

Orbiting the Hénon Attractor

made by yurivish, submitted by Mai
The Hénon strange attractor is a system of two simple equations that gives rise to chaotic behavior. This is an exploration of building visualizations for it in Julia.


made by suhailpatel, submitted by rachel
A toy Python module written in Rust which parses ISO8601 datetimes.

Printing floating point numbers is surprisingly hard

made by gargi, submitted by rachel
In this delightful talk from !!Con 2020, Gargi explains why printing floating point numbers is interesting, mysterious, and more complicated than you might think!


made by ruijiefang, submitted by nicholasbs
A simple engine for manipulating symbolic mathematics in Lisp-style S-expressions in OCaml.

SPGB - Game Boy Color emulator

made by talyian, submitted by nicholasbs
A Game Boy Color emulator written in C++ and WASM.

How traceroute works

made by wesleyac, submitted by nicholasbs
An explanation of how packets travel across the internet, with a tiny implementation of the traceroute network tool!

Partial Scaling – How to do Half a Multiplication

made by Malte Skarupke, submitted by Mai
A great blog post about dealing with the surprising trickiness of scaling 3D objects.