Style Thesaurus

made by katyilonka, submitted by porterjamesj
A thesaurus trained using ML to find words that match the stylistic preferences of a corpus. You can see the code here:


made by taravancil, submitted by vaibhavsagar
Nippler is a tool for editing photos of female-presenting nipples. Simply select a photo, place the provided male nipples to your liking, and download the edited version of your photo!


made by FionaLiotta, submitted by davidbalbert
A multiplayer Game of Life.

Notify New Package

made by changlinli, submitted by porterjamesj
A simple service for getting an email when a new version of a software package is published.

MTA Spaghetti

made by tophtucker, submitted by davidbalbert
If you've never looked at the NYC subway map and thought "mmm pasta," now you can.


made by antifuchs, submitted by porterjamesj
A ring buffer in Go without using interface{}.

Super Step Sequencer Deluxe

made by julia, submitted by porterjamesj
A step sequencer in JavaScript! You can see the code here:

Fandomized Algorithms

made by alexrudnick, lkuper, submitted by Mai
In honor of AO3's recent Hugo Award, a fandom number generator written in Python by Lindsey Kuper and Alex Rudnick. The accompanying paper is recommended.

You are a rock

made by isthisanart, submitted by porterjamesj
An unconventional text-based RPG where you play as a rock buried deep beneath the ground.

Arpongi, a two-player pong RPG

made by ayla~nonsense, submitted by rachel
This is lots of fun to play with a friend! You can also try to play against yourself, which is a bit more complicated, but also fun. You can see the code here: