A d20, through a scanner darkly. You can see the code here: https://github.com/lord/blog/blob/master/source/blog/2019-10-23-hatched-icosahedron.html.erb
— porterjamesj
A tool for figuring out where you and your housemates, partner, etc. should live, based on optimizing the length of commutes to multiple locations.
— porterjamesj
An interactive map that uses data from Wikipedia to visualize the variation in what different foods are called around the world. You can see the code here: https://github.com/nmicht/food-language-variety
— porterjamesj
A long-term project aimed at analyzing large numbers of online recipes for a given food (e.g. meatloaf) to answer questions like which ingredients are the most important, what interesting variations exist, and what's the "average" meatloaf recipe.
— porterjamesj
A Python program for determining how well two words rhyme. You can read about how it works here: https://tomlisankie.com/blog/2017/03/15/prhymer-how-it-works/
— porterjamesj