mkcert automatically creates and installs a local CA in the system root store, and generates locally-trusted certificates. Configuring servers to use the certificates is up to you.
— Mai
Comma Quest is an interactive narrative built in p5.js that experiments with abstraction and identity. You play as a geometric shape slowly gaining consciousness and exploring a world built entirely out of type.
— Mai
This password generator uses a video of you to generate a random password. Read more about it here:
— Mai
Generate your own card game based on any topic using Wikidata! It works by fetching instances of arbitrary subclasses of the topic, finding the properties that occur most often, and selecting the 32 cards which have as many of these as possible filled in. Made by blinry and bleeptrack.
— Mai
Pho-diff lets you visually compare the phonetic inventories of two languages by presenting a diff of their representations in the International Phonetic Alphabet!
— Mai