Notes from Dynamicland: programming Raspberry Pis

made by osnr, submitted by davidbalbert
A blog post about using Raspberry Pis to disaggregate computing power at Dynamicland.


made by utopia, submitted by davidbalbert
A little utility for merging multiple PDFs into one, larger PDF.


made by nelhage, submitted by davidbalbert
A tool that lets you move a process from one terminal to another.


made by antifuchs, submitted by davidbalbert
Describe your Gmail filters programmatically. The filters you write with gmail-britta often work better than the ones you set up by hand.

Code is a User Interface

made by Justin Falcone, submitted by davidbalbert
A talk about language design that encourages programmers to think in terms of designing DSLs.

Supreme Court Statistics II

made by Alec, submitted by davidbalbert
Neat visualizations of the 2017 term of the US Supreme Court.

Modern Architecture

made by scientiffic, submitted by davidbalbert
Explore examples of modern architecture using Google Street View. Source:!/modern-architecture


made by cmyr, Raph, submitted by davidbalbert
A UI framework written in Rust.


made by osnr, submitted by davidbalbert
A live coding environment for making Game Boy games. Edits to the code are hot-swapped into the running game. Source:

Text Editing Hates You Too

made by lord, submitted by davidbalbert
A detailed blog post on the ins, outs, and pitfalls of building a rich text editor.