How to Take Over The Computer of Any Java (or Clojure or Scala) Developer

made by mveytsman, submitted by davidbalbert
In 2014, Max realized that packages from Maven Central weren't served over TLS. He built a proof of concept exploit that added cat pictures to any Java program that installed a package from the internet, and convinced Maven Central to support TLS.

A screencast on deriving Publisher from Swift’s Sequence protocol

made by jasdev, submitted by davidbalbert
Jasdev made a screencast to give you a more intuitive understanding of Apple's Combine framework.

Day 5: drawing lots of faces with sketch-rnn

made by bork, submitted by davidbalbert
Julia is teaching a recurrent neural network to make good line drawings of faces.

How I was able to track the location of any Tinder user.

made by mveytsman, submitted by davidbalbert
In 2013, Max realized that you could use triangulation to discover the precise location of any user on Tinder. Max built a proof of concept and notified Tinder, and they fixed the vulnerability.

Text layout is a loose hierarchy of segmentation

made by Raph, submitted by davidbalbert
Raph wrote an overview of how text layout works. He's been working on text layout and rendering for over 35 years.

The Browser as a Modular, Networked Video Synthesizer

made by ojack, submitted by davidbalbert
Olivia gave a talk at JSConf Hawaii about Hydra, her live programming environment.

Implementing 'focus and reply' for Fastmail with JMAP

made by bork, submitted by davidbalbert
Julia wrote an open source implementation of's "Focus & Reply" feature for Fastmail using JMAP, a new email protocol. Source:

Slightly Incremental Ray Tracing In One Weekend

made by Peter Stefek, submitted by davidbalbert
Peter wrote a ray tracer in OCaml using Incremental, a library for spreadsheet-like incremental computation.

Brutal CSS

made by stillgreenmoss, submitted by davidbalbert
A joke CSS framework. I lol'd.

Creative Coding: DIY Webcam Filters

made by ojack, submitted by davidbalbert
Olivia made a set of video tutorials to teach you how to write video filters using the Hydra video synthesizer, a programming environment she created.