Set card game solver using computer vision

made by jtgonz, meereeum, piratefsh, submitted by nicholasbs
This code can take a photo of Set cards and tell you all the valid sets among them.

Stealing Ur Feelings

made by noahlevenson, submitted by rachel
Stealing Ur Feelings is a web-based interactive documentary that reveals how Snapchat can use your face to secretly collect data about your emotions. Noah is implementing Constrained Local Models to do emotion recognition. There's already a cool demo! My favorite part of this is that it's currently a work in progress, so you can follow along in the repo as the magic happens.

Python Grab Bag - A set of short plays

made by jasonaowen, brainwane, submitted by alicia
These plays were funny, endearing, educational, and thought-provoking. Theatre is such a neat format to engage with programming!

Interrupt Chat

made by Be, submitted by porterjamesj
At once a brilliant way to explore networking and concurrency, and a thought-provoking meditation on how we communicate online.

ArchiveBox: Your own self-hosted Way-Back Machine!

made and submitted by theSquashSH
Link rot is painful, we've all experienced clicking a previously-working link and getting a 404! Bookmark Archiver imports your browser history, bookmarks, & Pinboard/Pocket links and produces HTML, PDF, PNGs, & more (saved with Chrome Headless).

Imperative Haskell

made and submitted by vaibhavsagar
A common misconception about Haskell is that it can only be used for doing functional programming. This is not the case, as Haskell makes a great imperative language as well!

Mapping Imaginary Cities @ Strange Loop 2018

made by mouse, submitted by coco
i woke up in a city id never been to before. what a startling feeling. i def needed a map.

Learning React Native, 2nd edition

made and submitted by brindelle
This book is an introduction to React Native, Facebook’s JavaScript framework for building mobile applications. Using your existing knowledge of JavaScript and React, you’ll be able to build and deploy fully featured mobile applications for both iOS and Android that truly render natively. There are plenty of advantages to working with React Native over traditional means of mobile development without needing to sacrifice the native look and feel.

23kbps is possible – an exploration of "high speed" data transfer to an Apple IIe

made by Raph, submitted by nicholasbs
An in-depth exploration and discussion of how to more efficiently transfer data to an Apple IIe via its audio interface.

Meta: What even is a database

made by astrosilverio, submitted by alicia
This blog post (and the others on Katie's blog) makes the idea of building your own database seem accessible and interesting!