Inspired by, I built my own hopefully-non-shitty SSG. It lets you write websites using Janet, a delightful and effective Lisp.
— zdsmith
Learn how I started with a blank text editor and created a blog from the ground up with the help of python's Flask framework. It had always been a dream of mine to create a blog from scratch versus using a Wordpress here it finally is. Complete with a backend that is my humble attempt at integrating the functionality of both Wordpress and MailChimp.
— kellyfoulk
A programming language based on the experience of old point and click adventures - specifically Monkey Island. Program by combining random objects together and seeing what happens.
— cthulahoops
An in-depth post about colors, including clear explanations of different color spaces (RGB, HSL, etc) and how to define other concepts like contrast and pastels in terms of those spaces.
— nicholasbs
An open source email lottery, where a each week a randomly chosen subscriber gets to email all the other subscribers. Posts can be about anything; recent subject lines include "Hacking Hypertext", "The year of the tornado", and "human thoughts from a human being...maybe?"
— simon-weber