Stretchy Surgeons

made by ayla~nonsense, submitted by porterjamesj
A two-player coop game about doing surgery on each other.

A Vim Guide for Intermediate Users

made by Matthieu, submitted by nicholasbs
Part of a series of detailed posts to help you become a better Vim user!

Against essential and accidental complexity

made by impostor, submitted by davidbalbert
Dan deconstructs Fred Brooks's assertions about accidental and essential complexity from No Silver Bullet in a way that only Dan can.

The Levenshtein distance in production

made by scriptnull, submitted by Mai
A blog post exploring practical applications of the Levenshtein distance in spell checkers, Git, and beyond.

Ranked Choice Voting simulation

made and submitted by Alec
In 2021, New Yorkers will vote for the first time using Ranked Choice Voting. This interactive simulation shows how votes get redistributed in rounds of counting. Source code at!/rcv-nyc.

Plist Watcher

made and submitted by catilac
PList, or property list, files are files which store serialized objects. On MacOS they are used for storing a user's settings information. Eg. if you set your dock to be on the left, bottom, or right. On the command line there is a `defaults` command by which you can inspect and update your options manually. It can be somewhat tedious. This program, written in Go, will output the command to make those changes in real time as you make changes in your system.

Heartbleed test

made by filippo, submitted by davidbalbert
In 2014, Filippo made the de facto standard tool for testing to see if your website was vulnerable to Heartbleed. (source:


made and submitted by g-w1
A toy programming language made to learn about programming languages and compilers.

Calculating a slice of pi with trickery

made by milesmcc, submitted by nicholasbs
A fun walkthrough of calculating pi in your browser using the Chudnovsky algorithm.

Visualizing NHL Time on Ice Data

made by jemmaissroff, submitted by Mai
These interactive visualizations show time on the ice shared by different NHL players. As Jemma notes, they tell stories of traded players, injuries and changes in lines. The code is here: