Cleaner parallel curves with Euler spirals

made by Raph, submitted by Mai
Raph demonstrates the use of Euler spirals as a simpler and more efficient representation for computing parallel curves.

Only one person can visit this site at a time

made by GAM, zed, submitted by Mai
You may get a new swatch, or you may have to wait!

Git is my buddy: Effective Git as a solo developer

made by Mikkel, submitted by nicholasbs
A case for using Git as a solo developer for more than just rolling back to old versions of your code.

A Rust HAL for your FPGA SoC

made by pepijndevos, submitted by Mai
An embedded HAL crate for LiteX cores that allows you to reuse embedded Rust crates on your custom SoC - with examples!

Ruby Garbage Collection Deep Dive: Tri-Color Mark and Sweep

made by jemmaissroff, submitted by davidbalbert
Jemma continues her excellent series on how the Ruby garbage collector works.

How to run Electron on Linux on Docker on Mac

made by Jake Donham, submitted by davidbalbert
Jake succeeded at running an Electron app from within a Docker container. This blog post perfectly captures the process of continuing to solve the next problem you run into until your software works.

How Materialize and other databases optimize SQL subqueries

made by jamii, submitted by Mai
A great blog post about taking advantage of SQL's subqueries feature without sacrificing performance.


made by ruijiefang, submitted by porterjamesj
A symbolic differentiator in OCaml.

My Little Parser

made by Sam, submitted by rachel
Sam talks about what he learned writing a syntax analyzer for the programming language Jack (a Java variant)! Code here:

Clone of a musical GUI with melodic infilling

made and submitted by jlpiedra
I worked backwards from coucou, a GUI for ML-based melody harmonizing: and replaced the pre-trained model with a simple, probability-based harmonizing method. In the process, I learned about JS / HTML, basic DOM manipulation, statistical libraries via the npm ecosystem, and using webpack for bundling and dependency management. (My page takes a minute to load.)