My stack for research ML projects

made by pmin, submitted by nicholasbs
Advice and suggestions for a set of tools for small teams to use for machine learning research projects.

I am the controller

made by jaqarrick, Uhhmara, submitted by rachel
Create pixel art and music... with your (anonymized) face.

An animated wind sock in 261 characters

made by souren, submitted by rachel
A Tweetcart is a game or visual demo that fits in 280 characters (or fewer) of PICO-8 code. Souren animated a wind sock, with 19 characters to spare!

80 Percent Comprehension

made by hwolff00, submitted by rachel
A tool that scrapes and analyzes books to create Anki flashcard decks of vocabulary words.

Poet, an emacs theme that's suitable for writing prose

made by Kunal Bhalla, submitted by rachel
An emacs theme that is well-suited to modes like org-mode, markdown-mode, or any mode that works well with variable-pitch mode. Check out Kunal's blog post about creating Poet here:

Coding in Indigenous African Languages

made by rottytooth, submitted by Mai
A profile of YorLang, a programming language that takes its syntax from JavaScript and its keywords and culture from Yoruba. The post has lots of interesting links to follow for further reading, and you can explore the YorLang docs here:

So you want to write a GUI framework

made by cmyr, submitted by davidbalbert
Colin has been working on Druid[1], a cross-platform GUI framework, for a while now. In this blog post, he lays out the set of things a GUI framework for writing desktop applications needs to handle. [1]

Miscellaneous Findings VIII: Modulation

made by jimkang, submitted by davidbalbert
Jim decided to learn about modulation. To transmit speech without modulating it onto a carrier signal, you'd need a 3.75 km long antenna!

Sound of the Far Future

made by jimkang, submitted by davidbalbert
A computer generated album of music exploring events predicted to happen between now and 10^10^10^56 years in the future. It plays live in your browser. Source: Bandcamp:

Implicit ordering in relational languages

made by jamii, submitted by davidbalbert
Jamie continues exploring the bounds of relational programming by implementing a CRDT in both SQL and Imp, a language of his design.