A puzzle-platformer where you traverse the environment using projectiles as platforms. See the code here: https://github.com/jackckelly/orb_game
— porterjamesj
It's a delightful puzzle, imagining what's inside a weird MTA subway vent that looks like a brownstone. Great original music and illustrations! Built with Svelte.
— alizauf
A perceptually meaningful audio visualizer. Read more about how it works here: https://delu.medium.com/a-perceptually-meaningful-audio-visualizer-ee72051781bc#.p87d5rrxg
— porterjamesj
Serifu is a simple markup language for composing comic book scripts (in particular, translations of Japanese manga) as plain text. You can check out a demo web-based editor for it here: https://serifu-sketchpad.glitch.me/. There's also an InDesign extension!
— Mai