
made by charstiles, submitted by Mai
A real-time collaborative GLSL live code editor. Check out the code here:

YakShaver app using HTML canvas

made and submitted by debamitro
Do some real yak shaving in your browser. Built in a day with vanilla js and the canvas API. The source code is at .


made and submitted by wesleyac
deeplinks.js allows people to easily link directly to any text selection on your website! It's designed to be easy-to-use, robust, and unintrusive.

Quilt, a maximalist programming language

made by jeff, jake, miccah, jreyes33, submitted by rachel
Quilt is a programming language in which programs are constructed using pixel images. For example, 'Hello World!' is a square spiral!


made and submitted by Glen
An open-source library and app I made to help browser extension developers take payments in their extensions. It's helped developers make over $15,000 so far!

Pynchon Name Generator

made by Leaozinho, submitted by porterjamesj
Generate random names in the style of Thomas Pynchon.


made by tgfrerer, submitted by porterjamesj
An experimental, hot-reloading renderer for Vulkan shaders.


made by mmcloughlin, submitted by porterjamesj
A Go library that makes it easy to write high-performance programs by generating x86 assembly.


made by bryanbraun, submitted by porterjamesj
A JavaScript library for easily adding anchor links to existing pages.


made by Raph, submitted by porterjamesj
A pull parser for Markdown, written in Rust.